Cançons tristes

Tot i tindre algunes entrades pendents de coses que m’han passat els últims dies, avuí encete una nova secció.

Es tracta de lletres de cançons que em posen trist.

Per un motiu o per un altre, Lighthouse Family (un dels grups que més m’agradaven – ja no existeixen com a grup) tenen un fum de cançons que podrien encabir-se en aquesta categoria.

It’s like I just woke up one morning
Looked at the way that we live
Thought things could be so much better
There must be better than this
And if I relocated
To where the grass is greener
Maybe I’d be happy again
But I’m a little bit disappointed
Cos now I’ve got my freedom
But I’m still looking over the fence

It’s always the same
At the end of the day
You always want what you haven’t got

It’s like the hands on the clock stopped turning
Right at the moment you left
You went looking for something better
You stopped me dead in my tracks

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